Statewide Small Business Disaster Relief Grant Launches

The State Department of Commerce in partnership with EDASC has launched the Statewide Small Business Disaster Relief Grant, providing funding for damages from disasters experienced from October 2021 to present.

A total of $9.7 million is available, with grant awards ranging from $40,000 to $75,000. Eligible disasters include natural ones such as floods, earthquakes, wildfires or comparable; and human-caused such as major utility disruptions resulting in property damage or prolonged outages.

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2023.

Apply Now


Under the “ADO Information” section, enter “The Economic Development Alliance of Skagit County” as the ADO Name. For name and contact information under the “ADO Representative Contact Info” section, enter: Aaron Weinberg, and 360-336-6114.

Fill out the rest of the form with your information.


Those who have applied for NW Washington Disaster Grant are eligible to apply for this new statewide grant, too. However, you cannot double dip on funding, meaning you cannot receive funding for damages that have already been awarded funds.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Annual gross receipts of $5 million or less
  • A reduction in business income or activity as a result of a natural or comparable human-caused disaster
  • State business license, proof if address, W-9, 2019, 2020 and 2021 tax returns, and documentation of receipts provided as back up part of reimbursement requests

Eligible reimbursements:

  • Payroll
  • Utilities & Rent
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Building improvements or repairs
  • Replacing damaged inventory and equipment
  • Other operational and business expense related to qualifying disaster